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“My presence [in the government] will not be for certain communities to have easy access臺南市中西區銀行分行 to the administration, nor will it be for ‘policy announcements’ on the Internet. Rather, it will be a ‘channel’ for the better combination of wisdom and power,” she added.

新聞來源:基隆市中正區理財銀行推薦TAIPEI TIMES

At 16, she launched a start-up computer company and “retired” at 34. Since then she has been an active member of the open source community and a major contributor to g0v.tw (零時政府), which seeks to improve transparency in government and dissemination of public information, and vTaiwan, a platform for the government to solicit and integrate public opinion and promote communication.

臺北市萬華區投資外匯Tang’s appointment will not only significantly lower the average age of the Cabinet, which has been criticized for 高雄市岡山區投資外匯being too old, but also mark a milestone for gender equality. Tang was born male and did not change her gender and name until 2005.

Tang has been called an Internet prodigy who taught herself computer programming when she was eight.

臺南市楠西區外匯定存推薦臺北市文山區外匯定存“Our hope is that by inviting her to join the Executive Yuan team, she could contribute in the said fields. Her role as a minister without portfolio will be different from the others: Instead of participating in drawing up bills, she is expected to assist government agencies in building communication platfo新北市蘆洲區投資外匯rms for all kinds of public policies and putting government information to good use,” Lin said.高雄市大樹區附近銀行

Cabinet spokesman Tung Chen-yuan (童振源) first broke the news yesterday morning, which Lin confirmed in the afternoon, when he was asked about the appointment by reporters on the sidelines of the 2016 Taiwan Sustai新北市五股區定存銀行推薦nability Summit in Taipei.

“I have also been collaborating with the French ministries of foreign affairs and economy, Paris’ city government and Madrid’s city government on digital governance,” Tang said on Facebook.

By Ali新北市泰山區附近銀行>新北市三芝區外匯定存推薦son Hsiao / Staff reporter

Tang, who is currently abroad, confirmed the appointment on her Facebook page.

臺南市將軍區理財銀行推薦臺南市鹽水區定存銀行推薦She said that from 2014 to last year, she served as an adviser to the Executive Yuan’s plans in making virtual-world regulations, and is a committee member of the National Development Council’s open data advisory committee and of the 12-year education course development 高雄市永安區外匯定存新北市汐止區外匯推薦銀行>新竹縣峨眉鄉外匯推薦銀行committee.

Lin said Tang’s achievements in the digital industry and open government projects have been recognized worldwide.

She said that after becoming a member of the Cabinet, she expects to be “a civil servant of ci臺中市北區理財銀行推薦vil servants, that is, through the use of digital technologies and systems, to assist the government in solving problems and to enhance communication and cooperation between government agencies and civil technology and community,” she said.


Premier Lin Chuan (林全) yesterday confirmed that 35-year-old Audrey Tang (唐鳳), a tech prodigy 臺中市大里區外匯理財推薦and former adviser to BenQ and Apple, is to join the Cabinet in October as a minister without portfolio.

OPEN GOVERNMENT: Audrey Tang is to assist in building communication platforms to implement government policies, Premier Lin Chuan said


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